Park Rules

Our Park Rules are there to ensure we are all clear about the use of your holiday home on our park. Park rules can be updated from time to time to reflect current needs and regulations. You will be given a paper copy of the rules on purchase of your Holiday Home along with your Park Licence. Please feel free to ask for a further copy should you require it.

Our aim is to create a peaceful, relaxed environment with an easy going atmosphere for all our guests here at Lufflands Caravan Park, however we do have to insist on some rules to ensure a safe and happy place for all of our visitors.

The Park rules are incorporated into your Agreement and breach of any of these rules is therefore a breach of the Agreement.

1          Mobile Homes

 1.1        Only mobile homes of proprietary manufacture are accepted and they must at all times confirm to the definition of mobile home or caravan under the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 (as amended) and the Mobile Homes Act 1983.

1.2        Where originally manufactured according to either EN1647 or BS3632 homes must be kept and maintained so as to continue to comply. Wheels must not be removed.

1.3        Occupiers are cautioned against alterations to their homes which may inadvertently put them in breach of 1.1 and 1.2.

1.4        Any alteration to the home or extension to it is prohibited except with the prior approval in writing of the Management.

1.5        To keep in good repair and condition of the caravan, equipment and appurtenances applicable thereto including any additions. Any external repairs or refurbishments carried out should be in accordance with the original materials, finish and management approval.

1.6        Decks fitted to the holiday home must be in accordance with the style permitted by the management and within the constraints of the Site Licence.

1.7        No more persons than the maximum number that the manufacturer of your holiday home design permits. i.e. 6 people in a 2 bedroom caravan, 8 people in a 3 bedroom caravan. This includes day visitors.

1.8        Commercial sub-letting of caravans is not allowed, however we are more than pleased to see family and friends of owners. No lettings to single sex groups without prior permission please.

2          The Pitch

 2.1        Pitches must be kept clean and tidy. Rubbish or equipment must not be accumulated under the holiday home and the area under the home should be kept free from obstruction.

2.2        The erection of, or placing of storage sheds and other structures on the pitch is prohibited. However, one storage locker may be placed adjacent to the caravan holiday home subject to Management approval in writing. Materials of a flammable nature must not be stored within.

2.3        A clothes airer (window type) may be used on your holiday home but no rotary airers will be permitted.

2.4        Access to services, ie. Gas, water, electric and sewerage must be maintained at all times.

2.5        Materials of a flammable nature must not be stored underneath the holiday home.

3          Motor Cars

3.1        Not more than 2 cars are permitted for each home, we may ask you park the second car in a place nearby. Any visitors are to be parked where authorised by Management.

3.2        Only private motor cars, taxed as such are permitted. Any other vehicle will need the express permission of the Park Management prior to entering the Park.

3.3        The speed limit of 5 mph must be strictly adhered to and drivers must not cause a nuisance through excessive revving of engines, warming up periods or otherwise.

4          Animals

 We are a Pet Friendly Park but the keeping of a pet or animal whatever nature is at the absolute discretion of the Management whose consent must be requested before the pet is brought onto the park. If circumstances justify it, consent can be revoked at any time. Where pets are allowed:

4.1        Please do not leave you pet shut in your home on their own for long periods.

4.2        We welcome owners to have dogs on our park; all dogs should be well-behaved and kept on leads at all times.

4.3        Dog owners are also reminded to clear up their poops immediately to assist us in maintaining a clean park for all. Dog Poop bins are located around the park or use a general waste rubbish bin to dispose.

4.4        Please only allow your dog off lead within the Dog Exercise area.

5          Generally

 5.1        Musical instruments, record players, radios, televisions and other appliances must not be used in such a way as to cause nuisance to others, in particular at night between 2200 hours and 0800 hours.

5.2        Fire fighting and other safety equipment must not be interfered with or used except in case of emergency.

5.3        Each home shall have and keep a dry powder type fire extinguisher with a capacity of not less than 1kg. Other types of extinguisher can be dangerous in a confined space.

5.4        When letting your caravan to family and friends, you must notify us when it is to be in use to help us maintain park security.

5.5        When letting you caravan, please arrange to give caravan keys direct as we may not be around to do so. Please make sure you have adequate information and signage in your caravan to instruct on lighting, water heater, switching on power etc.

5.6        You are legally bound as owners to ensure you have an Annual Gas Safety Check if you are allowing a third party to use your holiday home. We can arrange this for you, please contact us for information.

5.7        We do not allow clothes lines to be hung from tress or your holiday home, hook on airers are acceptable and can be purchased from Reception or from any hardware or camping shop

5.8        The storage of caravan accessories should be confined to your concrete caravan base, please do not store on the grass as we need access to maintain at all times.

5.9        Please do not store under your holiday home when it is not in use.

5.10      Parking is at the side of your holiday home, in the event of bad weather, we ask that you park near the main gate and club to comply with access regulations.

5.11      All holiday homes must be adequately insured in accordance to BHHPA and Office of Fair Trading guidelines. It is necessary for us to view all insurance certificates at the beginning of each season. This does not apply to owners insured with the Park Compass Scheme.

5.12      Owners allowing family and friends to use their holiday homes must display these regulations to ensure all visitors are aware of them.

5.13      The holiday homes have a 16amp electrical supply, please ensure this is not exceeded. (16 amps is the total supply, all appliances that are in use should not exceed this)

5.14      We ask that you recycle your waste as much as possible, we have separate bins for recycling glass, cans, plastics, cardboard and food waste.

5.15      The remainder of your rubbish; we ask that you deposit the small remainder of your rubbish in the black dustbin marked General Waste in the Recycling area.